Supported Employment
Supported Employment Services provide assistance with choosing, acquiring, and maintaining a job for beneficiaries ages 16 and older for whom competitive employment has not been achieved and /or has been interrupted or intermittent.
The intent of Initial Supported Employment is to assist individuals with developing skills to seek, obtain and maintain competitive employment or develop and operating a micro-enterprise. The employment positions are found based on individual preferences, strengths, and experiences. Job finding is not based on a pool of jobs that are available or set aside specifically for individuals with disabilities.  The transition to long-term supported employment should occur within one year of successfulcompetitive employment, at this time it is expected that staff time will reduce as the individual becomes more independent in her/his job duties. Supported Employment may be needed if the individual’s job duties change or if a new job is acquired. Feedback regarding the success and integration of the individual into their position should be obtained from the employer, through employee evaluations that provide information on the level of supervision and oversight that the individual requires on a daily basis. Part of the responsibility of the employment specialist is providing education to the employer regarding ADA accommodations, in an effort to ensure the transition from ongoing Supported Employment to Long-term follow-up is successful and the individual’s needs are met.
Long-term follow-up may be used on a regular basis to meet specific and well documented needs. Long-Term follow-up related to medical / behavioral / physical support needs shall require medical behavioral records and accompanying documentation in the ISP supporting the need for individual services as the most appropriate and viable option.Â
                 Initial Supported Employment services include:
- Pre-job training/education and development activities to prepare a person to engage in meaningful work-related activities which may include career/educational counseling, active job searching, job shadowing, assistance in the use of educational resources, training in resume preparation, job interview skills, study skills, assistance in learning skills necessary for job retention.
- Â Assisting an individual to develop and operate a micro-enterprise. This assistance consists of: (1)Â Aiding the individual to identify potential business opportunities, (2)Â stance in the development of a business plan, including potential sources of business financing and other assistance, and (3)Â Identification of the supports that are necessary in order for the individual to operate the business.
- Coaching and employment support activities that enable an individual to complete initial job training or develop skills necessary to maintain employment is completed through activities such as: assistance in job tasks, work adjustment training and counseling.Â
- Â Providing technical support to potential employers regarding Federal ADA accommodations and requirements.
The service includes transportation from the individual to complete initial job training or develop skills necessary to maintain employment is completed through activities such as: assistance in job tasks, work adjustment training and counseling.Â
                        Long term follow-up support include:
- Coaching and employment support activities that enable an individual to maintain employment is completed through at least monthly face-to-face activities such as monitoring, supervision, maintaining skills necessary for job task, work adjustment training and counseling
- Â Ongoing assistance, counseling and guidance for an individual who operates a micro-enterprise once the business has been launched.
- Employer consultation with the objective of identifying work related needs of the individual and proactively engaging in supportive activities to address the problem or need.
- Providing ongoing technical support to potential employers regarding Federal ADA accommodations and requirements.
- Transportation when the individual’s job does not include staffing support. Payments for transportation are established as a per trip charge or mileage.